Rubber dam represents an essential tool for modern dentistry, without which quality dental services cannot be provided. In fact, adhesive dentistry, which has become prominent since the 2000s, requires perfect disinfection and isolation of the operating field to be successfully applied. The rubber dam is a sheet of latex or silicone (some images below), invented back in 1864, available in various colours, applied to the teeth whenever treatments are carried out, whether it's a simple filling, sealant, a more complex restorative therapy (inlay and/or veneer), or endodontic therapy (root canal treatment) or adhesive cementation of a prosthetic crown. It is absolutely necessary when old amalgam fillings need to be removed from a tooth as it prevents the patient from ingesting the mercury contained within it. The patient, both adult and child, is protected by the rubber dam, which prevents them from inadvertently swallowing small instruments and/or materials used by the operator during treatments.
NO QUALITY THERAPY CAN BE DELIVERED WITHOUT THE USE OF RUBBER DAM. Patients can judge their dentist's work by the operator's use of this tool. Using the rubber dam means respecting the patient's health and taking great care in the therapy being performed: only then will the treatments have the highest likelihood of long-term success.

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